The Proverbial 2 by 4

This. Life. It’s messy. That’s all. I used to say, ‘life sucks, then you die’. Not any more. Life is beautiful. We were put on earth to worship. We are creatures that crave worship. But where should our focus of worship be. The Sunday school answer: JESUS!! Oh, to have the simple life of a […]

He turned 3…

Oh Si… We say this a lot. This kid, man. He brings me so much joy, and pain. He allows me to ‘practice’ my patience… a ton. We are also treading on new ground with our newly minted 3-year-old. We’ve always had a reason to kick a kid out of the crib, no so with […]

When life throws you lemons…

I say throw them back at the powers at be! Ha!! Life has taken an interesting, scary, and stressful turn here in the Phillips household. Lots of change happening, and I’d love to tell you all about it, just ask me. (Not quite the place to tell of all the happenings.) The phrase ‘God will […]


I found this gem on Tuesday evening, after I had spent the previous hour getting after the boys for not listening, leaving messes, and plain ‘ol disobedience. I was pulling my mommy hair out. (I think I should be bald at this point! Ha! ;)) But this boys unconditional love caught me off guard. It […]

Room of Grace

This. Sometimes pintrest can be a bad thing. I came across this picture, and it truly describes all of my emotions. Some days the pain is closer to the surface than others. But it’s always there. Many people ask how I’m doing. Fine is the general answer. Mostly because I don’t want to start crying, […]


I’ve jokingly said (ok, and with some seriousness) that I am going to erase the month of May from the calendar this year. I know this will be the hardest month. I can feel it coming. Benjamin was due in May. May 16th. That’s 4 weeks from this coming Monday. 3 weeks until he would […]


I am desperate. I am desperate for Christ. His leading in my life. Despite the revolving door of sickness that continues to ‘bless’ us, we’ve had some good weeks. When they do come, life feels good, manageable even. The tailspin of sorrow isn’t overwhelming. The tears aren’t harsh, they are quiet. This Psalm has been […]

Harsh realities

Ugh. Argh. Tears. Medical bills. Insurance companies. Copays. We finally received the bills for my hospital stay and Benjamin’s delivery. And the world came crashing in. They line item-ed him. On one single bill, that one line item, told me that I didn’t want my baby. ‘Induced Abortion’. WHAT?! That is a procedure you have […]


That’s all… (oh, and have your tissues ready)

Crying is over-rated, right?!

I don’t like crying. I’m not a cute cryer. Yet, God has abundantly given me this gift. Today is hard. Today is not a good day. I want to go back to bed and forget the world. I’m willing to let my house turn into a scene from The Lord of the Flies just to […]