Harsh realities

Ugh. Argh. Tears. Medical bills. Insurance companies. Copays.

We finally received the bills for my hospital stay and Benjamin’s delivery. And the world came crashing in. They line item-ed him. On one single bill, that one line item, told me that I didn’t want my baby. ‘Induced Abortion’. WHAT?! That is a procedure you have when you don’t want a baby. (Seriously wrong and immoral, but that’s not my point) Don’t they know how badly I want to still be pregnant with my little boy? How much I want to hold him? See him grow? Hear him say ‘I love you, momma’? Wounds that were healing are suddenly ripped wide open. Raw and bleeding. It’s down right mean, and it hurts. I’m hurting like never before. I have to pay for a procedure I never wanted to have. I don’t even know what to say other than pray for me. I could really use comfort.

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